There is going about production/process issue in this concreat case, which means increasing of usage of other materials and operator force, but even with that fixation issue still return in the simillar form and on the simillar places.
After our analysis we could directly marked working place which caused this problem, concretely there is going about vibration welding of plastic materials. At the same time we discovered rootcause in the different status of parts and jigs. We proposed and realized process steps for solving completely this isuue.
After problem solving there was an independent analysis made by customer which shown complete costs saving in amount of 27k€ on the other material and 42k€ on the labour costs per year.
Celkové úspory ve výši 27k€ na materiálu a až 42k€ na lidské práci za rok.
Naše společnost se účastnila MSV v Brně 2017 kde jsme prezntovali IONIZAČNÍ a ČISTÍCÍ systémy firmy DR ESCHERICH a systémy pro AKTIVACI POVRCHU PLAMENEM, PLAZMOU a KORONOU od firmy ENERCON.