Our company, as much as the other companies, decide come in the fight against the virus SARS-Cov2, caused disease called COVID-19.
We decide for 3D printing of face mask in our 3D printer.
In connection with studies about “surviving of virus on different materials” was clear for us, that it´ll not be ideal to print from standard plastic material.
After long search we found a suitable material for 3D printer with certification for 3D printed medical instruments.
So we order this material and let deliver from South America even from the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic.
Celkové úspory ve výši 27k€ na materiálu a až 42k€ na lidské práci za rok.
Naše společnost se účastnila MSV v Brně 2017 kde jsme prezntovali IONIZAČNÍ a ČISTÍCÍ systémy firmy DR ESCHERICH a systémy pro AKTIVACI POVRCHU PLAMENEM, PLAZMOU a KORONOU od firmy ENERCON.