Attendance on International Industry Fair Brno 2017

Attendance on International Industry Fair Brno 2017

14. 03. 2021
Sf TECHnology

Our company attend on IIF (International Industry Fair) in Brno 2017, where presented IONIZATION and CLEANING systems from company DR ESCHERICH and SYSTEMS FOR surface treatment by FLAME, PLASMA and CORONA from company ENERCON.

Stand of our company was on IIF in Brno for the first time at this year. Because of the companyies which we are an official sales partners have their own strategy and presentation practicaly all arround the world, we want to share and information about these technologies mainly in our region.

On the base of our opinion we reach the target during our presentation in IIF in Brno where we had a lot of positive feedbacks from our present customers and at the same time we get a lot of new customers.

We want to thank you to all of our customers by this way for showned goodwill and possitive feedback. We are looking forward for following cooperation in next years.

Attendance on International Industry Fair Brno 2017

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Naše společnost se účastnila MSV v Brně 2017 kde jsme prezntovali IONIZAČNÍ a ČISTÍCÍ systémy firmy DR ESCHERICH a systémy pro AKTIVACI POVRCHU PLAMENEM, PLAZMOU a KORONOU od firmy ENERCON.


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3M Sf TECHnology Dr. Escherich Sf TECHnology Enercon Sf TECHnology Scapa Sf TECHnology Tesa Sf TECHnology
Sf TECHnology s.r.o. Smetanova 987, Bakov nad Jizerou
Sf TECHnology s.r.o. U Borku 540, 293 06 Bradlec
© 2021 SFTechnology s.r.o.